It's been a while! A lot has happened from the weather finally cooling down in Austin (love it!!) to me hitting some major Texas 4000 milestones (while also keeping on top of schoolwork and my full-time job search.)

  • Saturday workouts. The week after the 5K test and my last post, early morning Saturday workouts began. Although I still don't consider myself to be very fit at all, I've definitely upgraded from hobbling around campus with shaky legs like a newborn giraffe for three days after the first workout to now being able to do a grand total of 3 (three!!) normal push-ups while not on my knees.
  • Route reveal. Our lovely Ride Directors "sorted" us into our routes Harry Potter-style! I'm excited to announce that I will be on the Sierra route with all of these marvelous people.

  • Business Development Committee. I'm continuing my summer of Business Development work in my new role as the team's Sponsorship Coordinator. Please reach out with any potential sponsorship opportunities!
  • VolunteeringI've been out at three events so far: two of Bike Austin's Ciclovia events, where I tried out a solar battery-powered bike, and the LIVESTRONG Challenge earlier this morning, where a few other teammates and I waited out a storm and then marveled at how smoothly the cyclists clipped in and out.

  • 2019 recruitment. I helped out for an hour last week and got to speak to a few of our applicants before they went in for their individual interviews. I remember going through the interview process just a year ago (and meeting my future teammates Dustin and Maxwell right before my own individual interview).
  • RIDING MY BIKE FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! This happened just yesterday, and I've got quite a few scrapes and bruises as nice mementos. I'm so grateful for all the alumni and teammates who were so patient with me. I fell once in the parking lot of the church we were holding Skills Clinic. Hilariously, two out of the three times I fell while on our first 10-mile ride was when I was fully stopped with my left foot on the ground. (I lost balance while trying to unclip my right foot.) I think I'm a little less terrified about biking on the road with cars. Now to figure out how to take off at least one of my hands so that I can signal...

Until next time!